Admission Open


St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, Pokhara was established in 1983. It is under the management of the sisters of the Congregation of Jesus founded by an English Lady, Mary Ward, in 1609. It is an International Institution especially devoted to the education of youth.

This Institute is open to girls of all communities, irrespective of status, caste, creed and religion. The school imparts not only academic education to girls, but also helps them to form an integrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and the necessary energy for honest and hard work. This will make them an honour to womanhood and a source of happiness and blessings to all with whom they come in contact.

From the academic year 2008 AD the school has opened Admission for Class XI and Class XII for Science and Management stream. Physical training, social and cultural activities and other extra curricular activities are given adequate place on the children’s education to make them disciplined and worthy citizens. Value education, taught to all children, aims at inculcating in them right values and attitudes.

The C.J. Vision of Education

The Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus founded by Mary Ward in 1609, consider schools as powerful agent in forming fully alive human beings to bring about a just society.

Our School aims at creating individuals who are intellectually competent, morally sound, psychologically whole, imbued with the sense of the Divine, committed to the cause of Justice, Love and Peace, and ever open to further growth.

These schools aspire towards creating humane society, free from prejudices, superstition and discrimination based on sex, religion, caste and economic status and characterized by respect for the dignity of the human person, leading to concern for each other, especially the underprivileged.

For the attainment of this goal, the congregation expects the teachers to share this vision and to co-operate in making it a reality.

Our School's Clubs

Environment Club

FMW Club

Scout Club

English Club

LTS Club


Sports Day 
Our school organized sports day 2019
Environment Day 
Our school organized marathon race
Christmas Celebration
Our school celebrated Christmas 2021
Class 11 Welcome Programm
Our school organized class 11 welcome programme
Parents Day 
Our school organized parents' day
Parents Orientation Day
Our school organized seminar for parents

Questions & Answers

Who is Mother Mary Ward?
Mary Ward (23 January 1585 – 30 January 1645) was an English Catholic nun who founded the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Congregation of Jesus. She was declared "Venerable" by Pope Benedict XVI on 19 December 2009.
What is F.M.W.?
Friends of Mary Ward are followers of Mother Mary Ward 

School Videos

School Song

Children's Day 

Teachers' Day